

Success Securities Trading Platform requires no installation, and can run in ordinary browsers.
In the entrance of the trading system, enter account number and password, login into the system to trade.
The minimum board lot per securities transaction is 1 lot, and the maximum is 3,000 lots.

All clients must deposit relevant payments by cheque or PPS before buying securities. After Success Securities confirms a client PPS deposit, the client can place order. If deposit by cheque, according to different conditions:

  • If the credited market value of securities in the account is no less than the deposit amount, and the deposit amount is no more than HK$100,000, the client can place order immediately ;
  • In other cases, funds deposited before the cut-off time can be used after 4p.m. on the next trading day; funds deposited after the cut-off time can be used after 4p.m. the trading day after the next.
Funds from sold securities can be used immediately to buy other securities and clients do not need to wait for settlement day.
Securities purchased through Success Securities by its clients can be sold immediately, even if the turnover is only partially done. The turnover part can be sold at any time.
Success Securities allows clients to set trading orders for the next trading day after the market closes. Success Securities will automatically send the trading orders to exchange market before the market opening on the next trading day.

If use mobile app (SMS), please download the demo pdf to know more

If use mobile app (Token), please download the demo pdf to know more

If use webpage (SMS), please download the demo pdf to know more

If use webpage (Token), please download the demo pdf to know more

Customer Service Contact

 Tel(852) 3101 2999
China Free Hotline 400 120 2999
Fax (852) 3101 9926